ホーム | -----H > HP Cycle RecordsMausim "...The New Humanity" [LP]

Mausim "...The New Humanity" [LP]

価格: 2,607円(税込)
Label: HP Cycle Records - HP2000/27-7

カナダにて独自路線を貫くレーベルHP Cycle Recordsを運営、全て[...]から始まる意味深なタイトルにて非常にコンセプチュアルな作品のみをリリースし続ける奇才Mausim。2020年の最新作は新しい言語?の在り方として制作をした、様々なサウンドマテリアルが混在するメチャクチャ素晴らしいサウンドアート物件。単なる喧噪の様なイメージかと思えば美麗な持続音へと変化、また祈りの様な現場、ハードな轟音の渦、しっとりとした日常風景までが飛び出す、凄い音楽性を体感出来ます。インナスリーヴのデザインがカッコイイ。



Mausim…the new humanity LP (HP Cycle)
Trying to communicate something abstract using an unfamiliar language and the message becomes just sound. The sound is amplified yet it brings no further clarity. It is still just sound, dense and ever shifting. Pause for a breath. Start to become aware of the physicality of its construction. Simple moments reflect off one another. Subtle movements alter each cascading layer. Another step forward and turn. The electrical pulses transmit outward while the signals overlap into a distorted reality. Take in the air as it gradually dissipates. The final phase emerges, enveloping all and pushing beyond consciousness. Visualization takes hold but uncertainty remains. Is it the end or the beginning? Is this the new humanity?