Label: Art into Life - AIL024
主に女性のポートレイトを用いるコラージュ作家として知られ、並行して音楽家としても活動をしてきたデンマークのアーチストøjeRumことPaw Grabowski。2007年に1stアルバム[There Is A Flaw In My Iris]を発表、少し期間を置いた2014年より自主制作を含む大量のリリースを開始。そのどれもが自身のコラージュを配した美しい装丁と共に発表され、殆どのフィジカル作品が即完売、入手困難な状況となっていた為、Art into Lifeが初期の6作品を纏めたボックスセットを制作。パーソナルな感情をそのまま刻み付ける、またスケッチするかの様に、この作家独特の静謐なサイクルと分厚いヒスで紡いでいく、アコースティック録音を軸としたフォーク及びクラシカルな集成。
コラージュ画、パッケージデザインが異なる少し豪華な装丁の"Individually editon”(個別版)も用意。
Danish artist øjeRum (a.k.a. Paw Grabowski) has commanded a loyal following for his collage portraits of female subjects, while leading a dual life as a musician. Following the release of his debut album, There Is A Flaw In My Iris, øjeRum enjoyed a brief dormant period before returning to recording in earnest in 2014, unleashing a prodigious flurry of albums (many self-produced). Adorned with his beautiful collages, these physical recordings have become coveted works of art in their own right, the majority of which sold out instantly upon release. Fortunately for audiophiles and design aficionados alike, Art into Life has now reissued six of his early albums in a collectible six CD box set. This compendium of primarily acoustic recordings is a befitting testament to the raw, imminently personal emotion imbuing the artist’s work, capturing his distinct aural landscape as if privy to an intimate sketchbook of serene loops and ample helpings of atmospheric hiss.
Each CD in this special box set showcases photo prints, personally selected from the artist’s recent body of collages. Additionally, each box set includes a one-of-a-kind, handmade artwork, consisting of a leaf pressed into Japanese washi paper.
Limited edition of 300 box sets.
Individual CDs are also available for purchase in an “Individual Edition” variation, featuring alternate collectible designs, different than those in the box set.
Disc 1.
AiL024-1 "There Is A Flaw In My Iris”
Disc 2.
AiL024-2 "Sange Til Døende”
Disc 3.
AiL024-3 "He Remembers There Were Gardens”
Disc 4.
AiL024-4 "Fraværsminder”
Disc 5.
AiL024-5 "The Blossoming Of The Nothingness Trees”
Disc 6.
AiL024-6 "Væv”
・All Composed By øjeRum
・Unique artwork of Japanese washi paper with autumn leaves By Elleve.K