ホーム | -----E > Entr'acteMarc Behrens "Final Final Ballet" [LP]

Marc Behrens "Final Final Ballet" [LP]

価格: 2,387円(税込)
Label: Entr'acte - E110

80年代に自主レーベルAnimal Artからミュージックコンクレート作品を発表、現在はインスタレーション、また映像作品も手掛けているダルムシュタット出身の作家Marc Behrens。オリジナルは1998年にRaster-NotonよりCDでリリース(現在は廃盤)、バレエの為の曲として1996年に作曲されたグリッチビート[Final Ballet]のLP化。いま聞いてもまったく色あせていない英Entr'acteによるダウンロードコード付きでの復刻。

Final Ballet, composed in 1996, is dance music for a non-
existent ballet. At the time of its release by Raster-Noton
in 1998, several choreographers that Behrens had proposed
the music to had rejected it angrily. The work was largely
misunderstood as another instance of the Clicks & Cuts or
Glitch styles that R-N and Mille Plateaux had been associated
with at the time when, in fact, it was a statement by an
artist needing to come to terms with his own past entangle-
ment with Techno. And regarding Techno, the statement
was final.

The original CD has long been out of print. For this edition
the tracks have been remastered and the remaining four
Scenes which don't appear on the 12" are available to
purchasers of the record as a complementary download.