ホーム | -----G > God RecordsDuo Ade "Freilassing" [LP]

Duo Ade "Freilassing" [LP]

価格: 3,377円(税込)
Label: God Records - GOD14

ほぼアナログLPを中心とした出版を行う、2008年頃より存在するオーストリアのアヴァンギャルド・レーベルGod Recordsの作品。Christoph UhlmannとGottfried Krienzerという二人のピアニストが挑んだ、それぞれ異なる11の演奏パターンを設定しそれを一台のピアノで二人同時に演奏していくというミニマル作品。恍惚に惹き込んでいくミニマルミュージックとは少し違い、ハーモニーから微妙な気持ち悪さ(?)が漂ってます。1サイドLP。


Although their music sounds very serious and complex,
duo adé don’t want to be considered as abstract formation.
Graz-based duo, comprised of members of cult band, Code Inconnu,
already established themselves as very specific low-fi electronic
constellation on their first release, Hungrige Speisen.
This time, avoiding any kind of electronic devices and electronic manipulations,
they sat themselves on (out-of-tune) piano,
set different tempo each, and recorded eleven versions of Freilassing
(one available on the record and the rest as free download!).
The piece is half-structured improvisation, combination of micro-tonality, bitonality,
rhythmically independent counterpoints, integration and disintegration, and (in)homogeneous repetitions.

25 minutes of extremely challenging piano music, on the run into the unknown known…

Seriously, thought they do not want it to be!