ホーム | -----M > Misanthropic AgendaDave Phillips "to death" [CD]

Dave Phillips "to death" [CD]

価格: 1,947円(税込)
Label: Misanthropic Agenda

スイスアクショニズムSchimpflich-Gruppeに参加するアクション/ノイズ系のパフォーマーであり、また秀逸な環境音を捉えるフィールドレコーディストとしても知られる大ベテラン・アーティストDave Phillips。タイトル[To Death]からも分かる通り2021年に他界した自身の父の死をコンセプトとした作品で、死そのものでなく誕生のサイクルにフォーカスしたというコンセプチュアルなフィールドレコーディング・ワークス。静謐な語りや叫びをザ風景音に落とし込みザラついた抽象持続音を生み出した全13曲。凄まじい作風です。

this album is dedicated to death. i don’t mean death the spectre that installs horror and fear in many (in the western world), nor death the enemy of the (western) for-profit medical system, but death as part of a cycle, like birth. death the only certainty in life. dying, like living, as something that can be done well - or not. death also something that can be a release, a relief, a liberation, the end of suffering, a freedom.

this album is inspired by my father's illness, deterioration and death, and my being his carer for the 15 last months of his life. recording this album started 6 months into that journey, from october 2020 on.

it was my father's wish to die at home, and my siblings and i granted him that wish.

the album was sent off to press early june 2021, when my father died.
