ホーム | -----S > Senufo EditionsReizen "Works, 2020” [CD]

Reizen "Works, 2020” [CD]

価格: 1,837円(税込)
Label: Senufo Editions - snf10

イベント及びレーベルとてして東京を拠点に動く"0奏"創設メンバーの一人である冷泉氏。自身らのedition zerosoより発表した[Different Speeds]に続くソロは、イタリアの重鎮となったGiuseppe IelasiのSenufo Editionsから!!点描的なエレピと薄っすらとしたヒスが気配の様に揺蕩うジャケット・フロントカバーのスコアを用いた[Different Speeds for Decay Instruments]、タイトル通りガラス、プラスチック、ゴムによる単調なリズムを軸に構築した[Music for Glass, Plastic and Rubber]、至極ミニマムな領域で奏でられる2曲。大推薦。



Two new works, "Different Speeds for Decay Instruments" (for electric piano; the score of this piece
adorns the front cover) and "Music for Glass, Plastic and Rubber".

Japanese musician, based in Tokyo, who composes and performs using mainly drone and minimalist techniques.
Plays electric guitar, the inside of pianos, and creates works of phonography.
Formed the drone quartet NERAE in 2007. In 2011 he shifted to solo performance.
His work has been released on P.S.F. Records, Fylkingen Records and Edition Omega Point, etc.
Performs frequently around Tokyo. Notable performances outside Japan include TUSK Festival (UK, 2015),
UK tour with Elodie (2016), Empty Gallery (Hong Kong, 2017).
In June 2019 with some friends he founded edition zeroso (0奏), a small imprint and series of live performances based in Tokyo.