ホーム | -----L > LUXStefan and Franciszka Themerson "The Films of Stefan and Franciszka Themerson" [PAL DVD]

Stefan and Franciszka Themerson "The Films of Stefan and Franciszka Themerson" [PAL DVD]

価格: 3,707円(税込)
Label: LUX

コラージュ/ダイレクトペインティング等イラストレーターとしても活動し、1930年代の東欧アバンギャルド・シーンに大きな影響を与えたポーランドアニメーションの重要人物Stefan & Franciszka Themersonのコンビ。1937年〜1945年の3作を収めた貴重なDVD!!ロンドンに移住した1940年代前半ポーランド政府の援助を受け完成させたナチスに関するフィルム[Calling Mr Smith]、アニメーションを交えたダダ/シュールレアスティックな独創的コラージュ[The Eye and the Ear]等、傑作揃い!!外箱&86ページのブックが付属する豪華仕様。

The Themersons had a significant influence on the art and philosophy of the avant-garde of Eastern Europe during the 1930s. Their work reflected something of the Dada and Constructivist forms and ideas of the time, but what most distinguished them throughout their lives, was their remarkable invention and technical experiment.

This was true of every field they became involved in: photography, literature, art, design and publishing, as well as film. They were the most important makers of avant-garde film in pre-war Poland. After they settled in London in the early 1940s, they made two films under the auspices of the Polish Government in Exile including their first British film, Calling Mr Smith (1943), a rallying call to open the eyes and minds of the British public to Nazi atrocities in Europe.

Adventures of a Good Citizen (1937)
Calling Mr Smith (1943)
The Eye and the Ear (1944-5)