
N. "Tavola Anatomica VII" [CD-R]

価格: 2,387円(税込)


Label: Tavole Anatomiche - TAV VII

BeTonが新たに立ち上げたサブレーベルTavole Anatomiche。自国イタリアの解剖学者 / 医師Andrea VesalioとGiulio Casseriが残した銅版画のイメージを、アーチストそれぞれが自身の解釈で音像化するというプロジェクトの為のレーベルで、作品は全てカタログ番号のみで振り分けられていく模様。第七弾はもはやこのレーベルの核になりつつある作家N.ことDavide Tozzoli。インダストリアル、パワーエレクトロニクス、鋭利な音響もの等、全て無機質で統一された10個の小作品集。非常に特殊な作りのパッケージで、全体をリボン留め、中には細かい付属品が色々と仕込まれています。限定36。


The series of Tavole Anatomiche (anatomic tables) is mainly based on the engravings of Giulio Casseri and Andrea Vesalio.
Each Tavola Anatomica (anatomica table) is entrusted to a different artist, which provides his particular vision of the theme.
Each Tavola, belonging to a series, has a common part (the cover face and the back -this one different for the notes only-) and a different part for each artist (the inside of the table with anatomical engraving).
The covers are printed on paper of 200 grams, closed with dimensions of 13,50x21,70 cm. about 40.50x21.70 cm. about. In the center of each table there is a small appendix with the incision of a different anatomical detail that is different for each volume of the series.
The front of the cover in cutted on the center, and has a different cut for each volume, which allows you to see a part of the inner anatomy.
The cover is sealed with a fabric tape that holds a plexiglas blade and plastic needle with black thread.
Inside the cover are some small inserts related to historical images of the anatomies, and two cards with the copy number (each copy has a double insert with number of copy), all is collected with a piece of gauze closed with a patch. One of the coy number is a toe tag with a black ribbon.
Each Tavola Anatomica is strictly limited to 36 nunbered copies, and has different color of plexiglas blade, ribbon and plastic needle, and a different form of cut on front cover.

This table
Plexiglas blade: red
Ribbon: white
Plastic needle: red
Cut on cover: hexagon

N.: Feedback processed by Electro-Harmonix 2880 Super Multitrack Looper and Electro Harmonix Bass Micro Synthesizer

Recorded and digital edit at Calvario Studio, between 04th and 17th June 2018

Limited edition 36 copies