
Die Todliche Doris "KOSTUME/CUSTOMS" [92 Pages Book + DVD-R]

価格: 16,137円(税込)


Label: Hybriden-Verlag

120部限定!! 今回は彼女の存在無くしてドーリスの存在もあり得なかったという、ドーリスのステージ衣装を手掛けた衣装デザイナーにして音源諸作に参加、そして女優、作家、監督業までをこなしたカルトスターTabea Blumenscheinにフォーカスしたブック + DVDのセット作!! 92ページハードカバーブックには48枚のイラストを掲載、そしてDVDには初出となるスーパー8によるドーリスの84年ストレンジ・エクスペリメンタルフィルム[KULISSE]を収録という、前回の出版作[PERFORMANCE]同様絶対に外せない内容となっています。更に今回はTabea Blumenscheinデザインによるサイン入りトートバッグに入った特別仕様、ヴォルフガング・ミュラーのサイン入りポストカードも付属。

Wolfgang Müller: “Costumes and clothing were extremely important for Die Tödliche Doris. Because without clothing Doris would have been absolutely unperceivable. One could even say she has her clothes alone to thank for her existence. Doris doesn’t have a body, much less an identity. That is to say, she has less than absolutely nothing. Doris presence can solely be felt through her clothing.”
In the artist book contains the digitalized Super-8-Film KULISSE by Nikolaus Utermöhlen & Wolfgang Müller D 1984, 54 min., DVD.
The book is in a tote bag, designed and signed by Tabea Blumenschein. In limited edition of 120. Also there is a Doris-postcard with feather signed and numbered by Wolfgang Müller.
For the 120 ex of the tote bag Tabea Blumenschein first time break a promise she gave in 1984: ‘I don’t want to mass produce anything. [I’m not money-grubbing enough for that. In principle I only work when I need money or when good friends require my assistance. Therefore you will never see a boutique collection from me.]’” Tabea Blumenschein in: High Society, 1/1984 January, p. 45.

92 pages, 48 illustrations