
Covarino/Incorvaia "Chiodi" [CD]

価格: 1,837円(税込)


Label: Preserved Sound - PS49

未知の音楽家を本当に上手く紹介し続けている、コンテンポラリー、クラシック、アンビエント、アコースティックものを中心に手がけるポーランドのレーベルPreserved Sound。本作はエレキギター担当のalessandro incorvaiaと主にパーカッション担当のfrancesco covarinoからなるデュオCovarino/Incorvaiaの作品。オーバーダブは一切行わず、演奏に多くの間を入れ予期せぬ部屋の物音を入れたり、スタジオの下の部屋にのマイクを設置しドアを開いたままにし特殊なリバーブを入れたりと、空間ごと音源として捉えたとても気持ち良くて興味深い録音。

francesco covarino – drums, percussion, my baby daughter’s rattles (i and ii); electric guitar, contact mics, loop pedal, glockenspiel (xi)

alessandro incorvaia – electric guitar

three improvisations recorded in a studio
all tracks are first and only takes,
no overdubs or editing was added to the live recording

Building on the concept of their first two albums – Perugia (Preserved Sound, 2016) and Granada (Whitelabrecs, 2017) – to play live without overdubs or editing, Covarino/Incorvaia’s new album Chiodi features a minimal set up, occasional noises and silence.

“The only idea we discussed before starting the recording was to play less notes and leave more space, and to play quietly in order to let all those unpredictable room sounds come out – the click of Alessandro’s foot pushing on a pedal, the drum stool creaking,” says Francesco Covarino (drums).

“The sound engineer put a couple of microphones in the room below the studio we were playing in and left the door open, looking for some extra reverb,” says Alessandro Incorvaia (guitar). “But these microphones ended up recording all the noises on the street outside – a rooster, a dog, a car passing by. We loved it all and kept it on the final mix. All the noises you can hear were recorded live, not field recordings that were added later.”