
Massimo Toniutti "Cava xi.xi.86" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)


Label: Ferns Recordings -stem_05

同国の大ベテランにして重要実験系作家Giancarlo Toniuttiの実の兄弟としても知られ、サウンドデザイナーという側面も持ちつつ80年代初頭より今尚活動を続けるMassimo Toniutti。氏の作品の中でも極めて重要な初期セルフリリースカセットの内の一つである87年[Cava XI.XI.86]が遂に単独再発!! 金属製のはしご、パイプ、金網、手すり、空き缶、クランプ、スプリング、ドリルビット、レンチ、弓のこ....数えきれない程の物体を用い、彼らしいプリミティブなミキシング処理で異様な動きをする空間コンクレートを作り上げた初期傑作。なんと二つのボーナストラックが追加されています。

Ferns Recordings bless us with a due re-issue of Massimo Toniutti's Cava XI.XI.86, originally self-released on cassette by the author in 1987. In its original form, Cava XI.XI.86 was a concept album split into two parts, Side 1 formerly called Gravi (tracks 1-4) and Side 2 Le ghiaie (tracks 5-7). These recordings constitute the first part of an ideal trilogy that, passing through Km. Piccolo Cardine (1988), will arrive to Il Museo Selvatico (1991), which is widely considered as the apex of Toniutti's early works. In Cava XI.XI.86 we notice the total dedication of the author to the acoustic sources, and his decision to use exclusively sounds of a concrete nature. In addition to that, the space where the recordings take place becomes essential, and almost an instrument in itself.

"Mixed at the 'stanza delle uova' (1987) using a (4+4) multi-track system. Two more compositions have been added to this reissue: Track 8 (cube version of Gravi) and track 9 (Cava Recovery, with a little help from l'Orchestra dei Becchi di Fuji), both of them using '86/'87 archive sessions, re-worked and digitally mixed at my ground floor studio (2019). Re-mastered from the original tapes. All material recorded from November 1986 to April 1987 at the Laboratory and its surroundings. Sound sources: clothes horse, metal ladders, pipes, welded wire mesh, railing, metal cans, occluders, muffles, clamps, springs, mandrels, drill bits, wrenches, hacksaws and unidentified objects; processed field recordings, via Sistiana's hammers and venetian blinds, and trains; hi & lo-fi speakers and microphones, handheld cassette players and recorders. Thanks to Ron Lessard since 1988 and Sébastien for his hospitality." - Massimo Toniutti