
Christoph Heemann "End of an Era" [LP]

価格: 3,817円(税込)


Label: Ferns Recordings

ソロ名義としては8年振りとなる新作、激ヤバです!!Achim P. Li Khanとのノイズ/コラージュデュオ"H.N.A.S."、Andrew Chalkとのドローンユニット"Mirror"等、様々な伝説的プロジェクトに参加し多くの名盤を残してきたドイツの大ベテラン音楽家Christoph Heemann。なんと23年越しで漸く完成したという長期プロジェクトの新作がリリース!!Asmus TietchensとAchim Wollscheidを介して受け取った加工済みのサイン波をマテリアルとした音源で、Bサイドに収録されている[Time Is The Simplest Thing]は2003年に一度自身のThree Poplarsから発表した音源を再編集したもの。複雑な動きの音響とクールなドラムパターンが絡れながら疾走するAサイド、まさに真骨頂といえる巧みな構築美が堪能出来るBサイド、この人物特有のミックスの妙が様々な部分に仕込まれています。

"end of an era" was produced over a period of 23 years. It began with a few short recordings of lightly processed sine waves that came to me via Asmus Tietchens and Achim Wollscheid. The work on these resulted in a first version and release of "time is the simplest thing" (Three Poplars 2003) which I was never fully satisfied with, so I continued working on it further until a definitive version was completed in 2018.
I began work on "time and again ... and again" in 2013 when experimenting with analog electronics. Again I made a first version that I was not entirely happy with and picked up again and completed it in 2022 with the help of Ronnie Oliveras who engineered parts of the remix. The titles for the pieces are related to American writer Clifford Simak whose novels and short stories have been a source of inspiration since adolescent days.