
V.A "Invisible" [CD]

価格: 2,057円(税込)


Label: Preserved Sound - PS56

既に廃盤。コンテンポラリー、クラシック、アンビエント、アコースティック音源を幅広く手掛けるポーランドのレーベルPreserved Sound。このレーベルからリリースしている11人の音楽家を集め制作したコンピレーション音源[Invisible]。レーベルの特徴が見事に凝縮された内容となっており、叙情的な室内楽からアブストラクト・アンビエント、ストリングス・ドローンまでと生音重視の楽曲が続きます。

All pieces written by Preserved Sound Artists
Mastered by Ian Hawgood
Original artwork – Cover To Cover I by Adrian Lane

"Invisible" is an album of original pieces written and recorded as blind collaborations in response to the COVID-19 crisis by 11 Preserved Sound artists: Aaron Martin, Adrian Lane, Ales Tsurko, Benjamin Louis Brody, Cédric Dind-Lavoie, Glacis, Neal Heppleston, Tess Said So, Thomas Méreur, Trigg & Gusset and Visionary Hours.

All proceeds of the sale of “Invisible” will be gifted to Mary’s Meals, a charity that provides one good meal to some of the world’s poorest children every school day. For just £7.95, Mary’s Meals can provide 99 life-giving and life-changing school meals to desperately hungry children affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The word "Invisible" not only refers to the concept that the COVID virus can’t be seen, but also that contributing artists collaborated on the pieces blindly without knowing what each other was recording. The album showcases the combined response of Preserved Sound’s community of artists to the unfolding COVID crisis – with the individual pieces coalescing to create a cohesive whole.

"The joy of this record is not so much to be found in its methods of creation, as clever as they may be, but in just how seamlessly it all comes together and how beautifully all the strands intertwine" – Stationary Travels

"Over the course of the album, the invisible becomes visible: while individual connections are hard to glean, an overall sense of connection develops" – a closer listen