
Sten Hanson "More Canned Porridge" [2CD]

価格: 3,157円(税込)


Label: Firework Edition Records - FER1056

個人的にも超推したい名盤[Canned Porridge]の続編!! 60年代前半より活動、Fylkingenのディレクターも務めた音声詩界の重鎮Sten Hansonの1964〜2004年の音源を纏めた2CD集成。この作家の揺るぎない強固な姿勢/作風を網羅出来る、第一弾と合わせ絶対に外せない一枚。


Sten Hanson has been working with experimental music, literature and art since the beginning of the 1960's, cultivating both instrumental, vocal and electro-acoustic music for performance on radio and television, on outdoor occasions or from the concert platform. From an early stage he was aware of the importance of tape-recording techniques in the renewal and development of poetry’s resources. Text-sound-visual image, often combined with intensely personal 'live" performances, are vital ingredients in Sten Hanson's artistic workmanship and he is ore of the forerunners in the field of multi-media art. He himself has been on numerous performing and lecturing tours all over the world. He was quick to realise the importance of the tape recorder as a factor in the renewal of poetry and the ability of text-sound compositions to break the isolation often experienced by an author in a small language area. His works include electro-acoustic pieces as well as instrumental and vocal compositions. From the end of the sixties up to 1979, he worked essentially with electroacoustic music and created, with Lars-Gunnar Bodin, Åke Hodell, Bengt Emil Johnson, the theory and the practice of a new aesthetic field: "The electronic text-sound". Sten Hanson realized a large number of works in various styles : works for television, ballet music, performances, audiovisual performances assisted by computer, pieces for instruments and tape and/or electronics, works for orchestras and computer music