
Produktion "Produktion Film Soundtracks" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)


Label: Menstrualrecordings - LH105

同レーベルがリイシューした前2作[Dokumentum1]、[The Sound of Pre-War Germany]は即完売となった、Produktion関連の再発第3弾!!
インダストリアルミュージックが流れるヘアーサロンを運営、並行して映画、アニメーション、ファンジン、テープ制作までも行っていた、Christine Glover、Paul Hurst、Ross Canonの3者が1978年にロンドンで始動したマルチプロジェクト。オリジナルカセットはWhitehouse、John Murphyとのスプリットの様な形で発表された激レア物件[Produktion Film Tracks]の初CD化版。Produktionのみの楽曲で編成し直した82~83年までの4曲入り音源集。限定200部。


Format : CD
Edition : 200 copies
Cat# : LH105

Track list:

1 - Das Fere (1982) (28:09)
2 - Comedome 1 (1982) / Comedome 2 (1983) / Live Soundtrack For Dwang Tot Dwang At Club Moral (1983) (18:18)
3 - Konztrat (1982) (3:32)
4 - Creatinine Clearance (1983) (2:57)

Produktion was Ross Cannon, Christine Glover & Paul Hurst.

Originally from Tasmania (Cannon) and Australia (Glover and Hurst) they formed Produktion when they moved to London in 1978.
In London they opened Produktion Hair hairdress salon where they cut "supercuts" while playing Industrial Music all day.
Produktion also made super 8 films, animations, fanzines and tapes.
Some of their obscure tapes saw them collaborating with artists such as John Duncan, Merzbow, Club Moral, Toshiji Mikawa (Incapacitants) and Nurse With Wound.
All Produktion tapes are nowadays very hard to come by and sought after.

Originally published on tape in 1983 by Produktion, UK.
Bootlegged on LP format in the 90s in Italy.
Remastered from original tape.

Numbered edition of 200 copies in digipack.

This re-issue was fully authorized by Christine Glover and Paul Hurst.