
Ora "Time out of Mind" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)


Label: A Shining Day

まさかの未発表音源、これは絶対にお見逃しなく!! Andrew Chalk、Darren Tateのデュオとしてスタートした英国実験界の主要グループの一つOra。なんと1986〜1994年というグループ初期の秘蔵音源[Time out of Mind]が突如リリース!!Andrew Chalkが20年越しでミックスをし直したもので、最終的なメンバーにはColin Potter、鈴木大介 氏も加わった4人編成によるOraの作品となっています。マスト。



“Time Out of Mind” crepresents a most important chapter in the recordings of Ora, during the years 1986-1994 and here almost all entirely unheard before. They represent unreleased studio pieces, field recordings and sketches, significantly made to portable recorder. This working method would become the basis of future and more elaborate studio pieces and in itself clarifies an important formative stage of the work of Ora, of often using outdoor performances and location sound in an entirely spontaneous way.

Time Out of Mind is not some 'lost' album of that period, but it collects and reworks, after the passage of some 20 years, what might have been and has now been mixed, sequenced and arranged by Andrew Chalk into a full- length album. It inevitably captures, with the gift of hindsight, the spirit of the past.

Line-up changes followed and working methods changed, which perhaps make “Time Out of Mind” a missing stage in the evolution of a group that should have, though never actually did, exist in that period.

Ora here was : Andrew Chalk, Darren Tate, Colin Potter and Daisuke Suzuki