
Gryke Pyje "Collision And Coalescence" [LP]

価格: 2,937円(税込)


Label: Mappa - MAP013

サウンドアート系を好むスロバキアmappaの出版物としてはかなり珍しい(?)一枚!! 当店では活動初期の作品から紹介しているフィンランド実験界のベテランJani Hirvonenと、SicSicから癖の強いアンビエントカセットを多くリリースしているJohannes Scheblerの二人組Grykë Pyjeの新作LP。彼らの中にある桃源郷的イメージをそのまま音像化した作品であり、雑木林から洞窟、沼地、巨大な地下空間を、色の強い大量の音ネタにて作り上げた全12に及ぶユニーク且つカオスなビジョン。エクスペリメンタル〜ニューエイジ〜アブストラクト音響が見事に混在しています。クリアー・オレンジヴァイナルにて200部限定。



The missed seed of cryptobotany music. Jani Hirvonen (Uton) and Johannes Schebler (Baldruin) reconstruct the mesmerizing world of the Grykë Pyje swamp tribe. Vinyl in your hands is a ceremonial sonification of the sacred herbarium, painted myths of the animal kingdom and voices behind the thicket.
A return to the time when the forests, tree crowns, soil, thickets and heaven were full of continuous murmur. Or, on the contrary, a vision of a future in which the chaos of natural noises will reign. Slimy earthworms and phosphorescent bugs crawl out of the holes and gaze toward the sky. Brightly colored birds pick juicy fruits and there is no silence, because it is absorbed by the buzz of a virgin ecosystem. In the caves, marshes and hollows of trees, the most important questions are decided. A polyrhythmic rain falls from the sky and washes the prehistoric mud from mammalian hair. Somewhere to see human footprints, but those who have left them are long hidden under giant leaves. The light, reflected from the vibrant structure of life itself, dances for all, in full color. The feast of photosynthesis. Nothing to see from the top. Plants, moss and mushrooms grow at a tremendous rate. They climb each other to break through the lush green blanket. And above all, the orange disc shines pleasantly.