
Kleistwahr "Don't Let Go: Complete Kleistwahr 1982 - 1986" [2CD]

価格: 2,827円(税込)


Label: Fourth Dimension Records

充実の内容!!初の再発音源を含む初期作の完全版2CDアーカイヴ!!多くの名作を残す事となるパワエレ/インダストリアルの名門レーベルBroken Flagの立ち上げ人であり、ユニットRamlehの活動でも知られる大ベテランGary Mundy。氏がソロ・サイドプロジェクトとして80年代初頭に始動した変名Kleistwahrの、82~86年までのレアカセット音源を纏めた完全版集成。オリジナルはどれも中古市場に滅多に出ない激レアなブツとして知られており、その初期4タイトルである83年[Arsonicide]、[Myth]、[Mobility]、86年[Do Not]までを完全網羅。強靭なテクスチャー満載のアジテーション及びフィードバックに圧倒される事必至。本人によるライナー付き。

This double-disc set does exactly as the title indicates and collects all the material Gary Mundy of Ramleh released under his solo Kleistwahr guise between 1982 and 1986. Everything originally appeared on cassette on Gary's own much lauded Broken Flag imprint, although certain titles (as noted) have appeared on limited edition vinyl reissues as well. Some material has never before been reissued, however.

The material featured is as follows:

'Myth' album (originally released in 1982, reissued on vinyl by Harbinger Sound in 2009)
'Crusade' (originally released in 1982)
'Arsonicide' album (originally released in 1982, reissued on vinyl by Harbinger Sound in 2009)
'Flesh Razor' (originally released in 1982 on the V/A 'Neuengamme' LP and cassette)
'Mobility' one-sided album (originally released in 1983, reissued on vinyl by Fourth Dimension Records, 2022)
'Do Not' album (originally released in 1986, reissued on vinyl by Fourth Dimension Records, 2022)

The material catches Gary Mundy at a time when he was exploring rudimentary sound manipulation, loops and collage effects as well as the more feedback-saturated approach of nascent power electronics music he was very much a major innovator of.

This is a perfect document of those times.

It arrives in a 6-panel sleeve with liner notes by Gary.