
A.R.C. Soundtracks "From A Shattered Beam" [Cassette]

価格: 1,177円(税込)


Label: Sacred Tapes - SAC026

詳細は謎に包まれたA.R.C. Soundtracksなる謎の実験バンド?の2016年最新カセット。色々とアート寄りなアプローチも取り入れているらしく、ガチガチに構成された楽曲というよりはどれも抽象的で小綺麗/ミニマルな印象。アルバムとしても非常に良く出来てます。限定50。

A.R.C. Soundtracks have always been an immensely interesting band, although band is maybe not the right word to describe them. As a project they blur the lines between video, installation and sound, something which was evident in their 3 month long residency in Islington Mill's attic space. The process throughout the residency and the outcome thereof cannot really be described as creating music to work with visuals or vice versa; the two elements are more interconnected then that.

Following on from the residency itself A.R.C. Soundtracks were asked to put together a collection of recordings for a release on Sacred Tapes, the result of which is 'From a Shattered Beam', half an hour of slow-moving, opiated music that follows a loose narrative about the erosion of human constructions. The tracks feature more synth, electric piano and organ than their debut album (from 2014) and further develops A.R.C. Soundtracks' experiments with combinations of melodic structures and industrial noise, this time exploring sparser territories. The tape includes a letterpress-printed insert featuring cut-up texts from the tracks. A special edition also includes an artist's book of text panels and abstract prints made by one of the duo, David Armes, in collaboration with Elizabeth Willow, whose voice can also be heard on the release.

*All tapes dubbed at home*