
Rhodri Davies "Transversal Time" [CD]

価格: 1,947円(税込)


Label: Confront - core 11

超ベテラン&百戦錬磨のハープ奏者Rhodri Davies作曲作品を、本人を含むRyoko Akama、Sarah Hughes 、Pat Thomas等、素晴らしい面子からなる9人編成のアンサンブルが演奏した重々しくも美しいコンテンポラリー作品。Jurg Freyにも通じるスッと入り易い部分もありつつ、グッと突き放すエレクトロニクスや鈍い音響の投下もあったりする、38分ノンストップの構成にてゆっくりとリスナーを引き込んでいきます。Confrontタイトル中でも個人的オススメの一枚。



Ryoko Akama : Electronics
Rhodri Davies : pedal harp, electric harp
Sarah Hughes : zither
Sofia Jernberg : vocals
Pia Palme : contrabass recorder
Adam Parkinson : rogramming
Lucy Railton : cello
Pat Thomas : piano, electronics
Dafne Vicente-Sandoval : bassoon

Co-commissioned by Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, Chapter and Counterflows and supported by PRS Foundation’s Beyond Borders.

Live performance recorded on the 13th of April 2018 at Chapter, Cardiff by Simon Reynell. Mastered by Simon Reynell

Transversal Time was composed by Rhodri Davies in 2017. For its starting point it assigns different time systems – Standard Time, Decimal Time and Hex Time – to individual musicians. As a composition it encompasses many of those sensations and perceptions of time that are embodied by music. Improvising musicians develop acute sensitivities to body clock, breath, pulses and the silent transformations of time-between-time. So a musician’s heightened, fluid time becomes enfolded in this narrative situated within the house of clocks, all of them ‘telling’ different times. Also buried under the surface of the piece is François Jullien’s book, In Praise of Blandness, an exploration of the ancient Chinese value system based on simplicity, extreme subtlety and the paradox of sounds that deepen in the mind of the listener if they are not fully sounded, better still left silent so that they retain something secret and virtual within. “In short,” writes Jullien, “they remain heavy with promise.” (David Toop)