
Frank Garvey "Labyrinth (Prison Walls), Omnicircus" [2CD-R]

価格: 2,717円(税込)


Label: Creel Pone

激ヤバの新装カップリング・エディション!!世界初のロボット演劇アンサンブルを指揮した奇才Frank Garveyによる1979年の激レアセルフ盤[Omnicircus]!! 彫刻、電子音楽、演劇、ビデオシンセ、ダンスが複雑に絡み合う所謂シアターピース的な録音もので、この延々と続く禍々しい音の集積は間違いなくノイズ系ファンにもオススメの内容。そして今回、市場に出る事は殆ど無い78年1st[LABYRINTH]までがCD-R化!! Creel Poneラインナップの中でも取り分け(個人的に)重要な一枚。

Creel Pone replication of this wonderful pair of Chicagoland "Paste-on" Private Press LPs.

The first, "Labyrinth (Prison Walls)" was self-issued on the Composer's "Warp Records" (no relation) in 1978 & covers the score for "LABYRINTH", a piece created for electronic music and laser light created in 1977-78 & first performed at Chicago's Omega Intermedia Center. LABYRINTH is dedicated to Steve Biko, freedom fighter murdered by South African government.

The second, "Omnicircus", offers a single "Electronic Composition" in two parts, "Kriegspiel" & "Eropoc," intended at the soundtrack "for the first 2 sections of 'OMNICIRCUS', a theatre piece for electronic music, computer graphics, video synthesis, dance, sculpture, architecture, and drama" by one Frank Garvey.

Garvey is an intriguing character; born & raised in Urbana in an artistic family - his father was a close collaborator of Harry Partch's - he studied Video Art & Animation at at the Art Institute of Chicago before heading out to the Bay Area in the 80s & setting up a "Robotic" theater / performance collective under the same name as this piece - albeit 10 years later - before relocating to Pittsburgh to teach at Carnegie Mellon in the late 90s.

The music here would appear to be born out of a post-Industrial fascination with harsh, sliding, mechanistic textures - not too far removed from the tape-echo addled synthesis of Maurizio "M.B." Bianchi - this certainly makes sense given Garvey's later predilections towards Jean Tinguely / Mark Pauline -styled automatons & associated anti-humanistic conceits.

Text on the rear-cover of "Omnicircus" - placed just below a tell-all mushroom cloud - reads:

"The danger of nuclear destruction; the enveloping of the embryo by the womb; the enveloping of the womb by the pelvis; the enveloping of the pelvis by the tissue seared by newstar; the enveloping of the carrion crow; the enveloping of the carrion dog; the enveloping of the carrion itself by the primeval light of hellfire newstar."

Utterly fascinating, grinding, Industrial Noise / Concrète filigree with little compare; an essential inclusion in the Creel Pone program - coming in at the 11th hour of the series' 10-year run.