

Curtis Bahn "r!g" [CD]

価格: 2,167円(税込)


Label: EMF - EMFCD030

Sbass(センサーベース)というベース型の自作インターフェイスを使用した、Pauline Oliverosとも度々共演しているCurtis Bahnによる作品。演奏情報は、Sbassに取り付けられたマイクロコントローラからMIDI演奏データとして出力され、MAX/MSPの自作パッチを制御するという、少しアカデミックな作品。激しくパンニングを繰り返す電子ノイズが作り出す立体音響は素晴らしいの一言。


Curtis Bahn, bass player extraordinaire, performs with the S-Bass and takes his virtuoso performance to unbelievable heights of energy and musical mayhem. His S-Bass is a sophisticated computer-based interactive electronic system that he himself designed and built. The sounds are great. Even surprising. In fact, they're so surprising that you wonder: How can this be done? And the whole concept is so unconventional, you ask: How could someone even think of it?
But the madness in his method becomes clear when you realize that at the center of his r!g is his acoustical 'Sbass' which contains a variety of electronic sensors that greatly extend his performance possibilities. It also becomes clear that the musical power of extended performance together with responsive electronics is formidable, and in this case it allows him to mix sounds, follow algorithmically-generated shapes, process the sound of his own performance on string bass, and do it all so fast and so well that it grabs your attention. And what brings it all together, of course, is his musical sensitivity and the experience of a long background of improvisation.