
Maurizio Abate "Loneliness, Desire and Revenge" [LP]

価格: 3,707円(税込)


Label: Black Sweat Records

本作がアコースティックギターのみを用いた初のソロ作!!活動初期は"Jooklo"プロジェクトを軸に活動、Qbicoを始めTroglosound、8mm Recordsなどサイケデリック/実験レーベルから多くの音盤を発表していたイタリアのギタリストMaurizio Abate。近年はアコギを軸としたフォークやアンビエントを展開していますが、まさにその転換期に発表された完全なアコギ・ソロ1stアルバム[Loneliness, Desire and Revenge]を入荷。多くの説明は不要、純粋に気持ちの良い楽曲だけが並ぶ個人的激推しタイトル。

This 8 track acoustic guitar album is a big change for the experimental musician Maurizio Abate. After many years of psychedelic albums in which improvisation was combined with a creative recording process, he composed an entire album based on a more traditional method: acoustic guitar solo.During winter 2014 he organized a series of italian screenings preview of the documentary “ In Search of Blind Joe Death: The Saga of John Fahey” and that occasion encouraged Maurizio to experience the guitar solo language.After playing these compositions at live shows, Maurizio decided to record the tracks in an almost definitive way, nevertheless the live interpretation of the songs is always different and mutating.He recorded alone in his house between Christmas 2014 and new year’s day on a reel tape recorder, performing acoustic guitar and, in a couple of songs, electric guitar and harmonica."Loneliness, Desire and Revenge" it's an intimate and confidential album, it evokes moods and emotions of the musician during the past 2 years.