
V.A "Framework Seasonal Issue #5, Summer 2013" [CD-R]

価格: 2,057円(税込)


Label: Framework Seasonal - Framework Seasonal – 5

第5弾はテープ録音を中心とした、1959~1978年までのアマチュアによるヴィンテージ・フィールドレコーディング!!激激オススメのシリーズ!!寄付金を募り2002年頃からフィールドレコーディング/サウンドアート作家によるラジオ放送を行っているエストニアのFramework Editions。なんと主宰者はJonathan Coleclough、Yannick Daubyとも共作を出しているMurmerことPatrick McGinley。活動の一環として2010年頃からスタートした、プロジェクトに関与したフィールドレコーディング/サウンドアート作家の未発表音源を纏めたコンピレーションシリーズ。有名作家も意外と多く参加しており、それを抜きにしてもかなり秀逸な録音ばかりで驚かされます。ジャケも非常にセンスが良く、再生紙の封筒型パッケージ。


a selection of vintage amateur field recordings from two east midlands tape clubs: the derby tape recording club and the leicester tape recording club, compiled and edited by mark vernon

Location recordings by East Midlands tape recording clubs (1959-1978)

Collected together for the first time on this CD are a selection of vintage amateur field recordings from two East Midlands tape clubs: The Derby Tape Recording Club and The Leicester Tape Recording Club. These are not pristine archival recordings, they bear many traces of their age and origin: tape hiss and distortion, harsh pause button edits, wow and flutter. Accepting these extraneous audio artefacts as inherent to the medium of tape, no attempts have been made to clean or restore them.

The little known phenomenon of tape recording clubs reached its peak in the 60s and 70s, as tape recording technology became more attainable to the hobbyist. Many of these recordings were made in the days when recording outdoors entailed lugging a heavy and cumbersome open-reel recorder out and about on location. This could prove impractical for the individual so being part of a club, with the associated benefits of pooled resources and shared knowledge, made things a little easier. The appearance of affordable portable battery recorders in the early 60’s granted tape enthusiasts unprecedented freedom as to what and where they could record, a freedom which most tape club members exploited to the full. Some of these recordings were made on organised outings as part of the tape club’s programme of activities, others were made independently by individual members. The variety and imagination displayed here is a testament to the pioneering spirit of a dedicated group of amateurs, our forebears in the pursuit of recorded sound.