
Daniel Blinkhorn "Terra Subfonica" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)


Label: Gruenrekorder - Gruen 117

Budhaditya Chattopadhyayのアルス・エレクトロニカ表彰作品を出版したドイツGruenrekorderが、それと同じサウンドスケープシリーズより素晴らしい音源を発表。Winds MeasureやRoom40のコンピレーションに参加、個人名義ではコレが初となるDaniel Blinkhornのソロデビュー作。このシリーズでお馴染みの環境音の切り貼りをベースとしながらも、かなり強力なエレクトロニクス & 変調を加え、ほぼコンクレート/エレクトロアコースティックな内容に仕上げています。


As a composer and sound artist often working closely at the nexus of radiophonic art, environmental sound and electroacoustic music, one of my primary interests is in the exploration of relationships between people and the incredibly rich sonorous environments they populate. In particular, the sounds that exist all around us, however that are often out of earshot (or at least not listened to in any conscious manner), as with the sounds beneath us as we tend our daily lives.

terra subfónica is a radiophonic work reflecting aspects of sub sound through a series of dramaturgical, radiophonic miniatures. Sub sound in this instance is not a term indicating low frequency sound, as in bass material, but rather a radiophonic suite reflecting and meditating on aspects of that which is below us; ultimately mapping a sub sonic terrain lying just below, or on the periphery of our (typically) perceived threshold of hearing. The sounds and sonic fragments chosen to represent different aspects of sub sound have been used as a basis for generating the narrative/ dramaturgical structure in each of the miniatures. Shards of familiar, strange, overlooked and unheard sounds coalesce, as metaphor and sound arcanum guide the listener throughout each of the works in the suite.