
Mazurek, Sienkiewicz "Drogi" [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)


Label: Bolt - BR ES21

本作、滅茶苦茶ヤバいです。自国ボーランドの知られざる電子音楽及びアヴァン記録をアーカイヴシリーズとして出版しているBoltより久々の[Polish Radio Experimental Studio] ものが登場。既に同シリーズに単独で登場している本国のパイオニアBohdan Mazurekのオリジナル音源と、その彼を敬愛する現代のテープ作家Jacek Sienkiewiczによる氏へのオマージュ作品をセットにした激高内容の電子音楽作品集。Mazurekの持つユーモアセンスを見事に受け継ぎつつ、10代の頃に録音したテープ素材を用い当時のテクスチャーを意識した形にて新録を制作。合成音のシブさ、音の動きまでが完璧すぎる全8曲からなる傑作盤。




“Drogi” is my hommage to Polish Radio Experimental Studio, a pioneering center for electro-acoustic music, and one of the Studio's outstanding composers - Bohdan Mazurek.

His compositions are characterized not only by very sophisticated synthesized sound aesthetics but also by distinct anticipations of more popular electronic music genres, such as ambient or intelligent dance music. However, what was even more important for me is the fact that to some extent the music of Mazurek and my music share some sort of a common mood: on one hand very serious, even bitter, on the other hand - full of insider jokes and sudden twist in the narrative. The peculiar sense of humour is what stroke me while reading more about Mazurek, as well as his attitude towards nature, especially the mountains. It appeared that on numerous occasions he was going straight into his studio after coming back from a hiking trip. Actually, it happens to me quite often as well!

Therefore, I decided not to simply revitalise works of the old master by means of sampling and remixing. Instead I recreated original Mazurek's sound world in my own compositions, following his offbeat approach towards sound, utilising a range of sources and techniques: from my teenage tape recordings, through digital sound sythesis to modern sample editing. I hope I have bridged different definitions, eras and generations of electronic music.