
Michael Trommer "Berlin Anamnetic" [CD-R]

価格: 1,727円(税込)


Label: 3LEAVES - 3L034

サウンドアート作家として20年近く活動を続けているMichael Trommer。タイトルが示す通りベルリン市内の外部から中心部に掛けての音風景を軸に作り上げたもので、約2か月間の散歩で集めたありとあらゆる音風景をスペクトル解析し、そのサウンドをオーディオとしてではなく絵画的に構築したという凄い手法がとられた作品。音の内容は雑踏ミックスながらも極めて音楽的に響いています。

"Berlin Anamnetic is the outcome of a two-month residency at Berlin’s ZK/U (Centre for Art and Urbanistics). It seeks to integrate the ‘real’ acoustic soundscape with the embodied, imagined soundtrack evoked by a particular time and place.

The working process for this series involved long walks, generally from the outlying regions of Berlin to the city centre; these were documented via audio recordings, photos, and notes. Particular attention was placed on locations of emotional resonance, whether the source of this resonance was historical, personal or serendipitous. The associated sound files were then subjected to extensive spectral processing, melding the mnemonic soundtrack (usually overheard pop songs or earworms) with the real (diegetic) soundtrack. As such, sounds were structured in a quasi-painterly fashion rather than arranged in a more conventional linear time-line (i.e. in a DAW such as Ableton, etc.). Correspondingly, the pieces that comprise ‘Berlin Anamnetic’ also seek to adopt a narrative form that is textural and emotive, eschewing typical narrative structure for something that is more akin to the body’s ‘real’ movement through a landscape."

— Michael Trommer