
Bob & Lou "Five Tracks 1991-1993" [LP]

価格: 3,157円(税込)


Label: Ultra Eczema - UE91

Ultra Eczema初期の2005年に[The Bob And Lou Tapes]というCD-R作品を出版したPeter De CeulaerとLuther VanhoofのデュオユニットBob & Lou。地元アントワープのラジオ局で放送されていた91〜93年のラジオドラマ用の音源で、具体音素材のコンクレートやチープなシンセを軸とするモンド系電子音楽集。素材のミスマッチが魅力の一枚です。大判インサート/写真が付属する限定200部の版。


"one of the earliest cdr's on ultra eczema was a Bob & Lou cdr, which were also recordings from the 90's, and which, together with discovering the insane recorded archive of cassis cornuta, sparkled the idea of collecting and publishing the lost recordings of these belgian weirdo's! Bob & Lou is the pseudonym for the duo field recording / electro-acoustic synth project that Peter De Ceulaer and Luther Vanhoof started in the late 80's. They never played live as Bob & Lou although both of them also played in SPACECACTUS, a loose collective that would play live and build side specific soundart installations. A lot of the Bob & lou recordings were used in radioplays they would construct for Radio Centraal in Antwerp. Bob would also record most jingles for the radio and was the chairman there until he sadly passed away on october 30 of last year, therfore this record carries a incredibly typical "centraal sound", since i got obsessed with this insane radio station this strange combination of library space music, radical satire, fassbinder, klaus schulze and percise field recording styles has not left me ever!
The obsession of hunting down the right microphones, synthesizers and self build metal instruments in combination with the ability to build, mix, cut and paste and change any existing format resulted in a amazing recorded archive and a giant studio where no one but Bobby Colombo could find his way around...

This record is limited to 200 copies and comes with a "real" photo, developed at the colunst house, a fold open space poster and a sleeve with more archival photography on it."