
Sam McLoughlin & David Chatton Barker "Environmental Meditation Music" [LP]

価格: 4,477円(税込)


Label: Hood Faire

英Folklore Tapesの重要人物らが運営する別レーベルの作品!!英国のディープな民俗学を探究、長年に渡り広く収集されてきた歴史のイメージをアブストラクトな音楽と実験的ビジュアルで作品化する、まさにインディペンデントな活動を行っているFolklore Tapes。このレベールの関係者らが小部数の私家版を出版するべくプライベートで立ち上げたHood Faireの音源。本作[Environmental Meditation Music]はその名の通り、自然界の音と創作楽器のサウンドを同調させたSam McLoughlin & David Chatton Barkerによる作品。鋸の刃、時計のチャイム、瓶などを組み合わせた数種の楽器が、ほぼ自動演奏の様な形で小気味良い音を発し環境音と共に流れゆく極上の46分間。ジャケットは一点一点異なる完全なハンドメイド仕様、枝に吊るされた絵筆が風に揺られ描いたというドローイングが付属。

Environmental Meditation Music (EMM) is a collaborative project with the natural world. Developed by the artists Sam McLoughlin and David Chatton Barker since 2017, the project has collected many hours of recorded material, which has been hewn into a long form digital edition and this two sided 46min long playing record.

"Water and air dance and sing. A play of constant ecstasy. We are forever embedded in atmospheric flow. Space held by soft animation. The eardrum moves, mostly beyond attention, and so each leaf, each laughing brook, dripping rock and whistling reed. The same something, always different, forever variegated, changing yet remaining its self."

The instruments are made using a variety of materials, ranging from guitar strings, rubber bands, saw blades, clock chimes and jars. Many are amplified using contact microphones, often proving an essential part of capturing the frequencies.

For the record sleeves, a paintbrush was suspended on a branch using string. The sleeve was cut and placed upon a table with string passed around four bamboo canes in order to keep the brush contained above the card. Windy days were chosen to animate the brush. The brush was dipped into black drawing ink and begun at the middle of the card. Once the ink had all been applied the process was finished and the sleeve left in the rain for a few seconds. In total 305x card sleeves were created using this process.