
Faus tFeat. 灰野敬二 "This Is the Right Path" [CD + Color Booklet]

価格: 3,817円(税込)


Label: Old Heaven Books

中国の本土と香港を結ぶ近代的な都市"深セン"を拠点とする書店/カフェ/レコードレーベルOld Heaven Booksの出版物!!本作は2016年に深センで開催された"Tomorrow Festival"にて披露された、日本サイケデリック・アンダーグラウンドの重要人物の一人灰野敬二氏と、伝説的クラウトロック・バンドFaustのセッションを音源化したもの。多くの説明は不要、Jean-Herve PeronがFaustのコンサートのトップ10に入るという名演であり、両者の振り切れたエネルギーがリスナーを圧倒。このレーベルはジャケットデザインにも非常に力を入れており、かなりカッチリとした紙ジャケットにフルカラーブックレットが封入されています。

CD is in a panel digipak with a booklet.

“ Dec. 2015: I received an invitation from Old Heaven to participate with FaUSt to the 3rd edition of “Tomorrow Festival” at B10 Live, Shenzhen, China!
A few months later, May 2016, we were on our way to the most exciting concert experience. A loooong flight-haul and then, such a warm welcome, such a perfect organization… the most charming, dedicated, competent crew around us… the largest cement mixer I ever used on stage, and an audience so vibrant, so focused.
I was and still am in memory, overwhelmed by the endless energy of all the people I met: technicians, promoters, music fans, the so-creative Knitting Ladies, my old-time friend Keiji Haino, and my comrade Maxime.
The music we created together had been accurately recorded. As Old Heaven proposed to release this concert, I immediately was enthused by the idea. Even more so when I heard the perfect mix of Liu Ying. Two tracks were beautifully post-produced, edited and mixed by Amaury Cambuzat.
I loved the B10 Live performance and place it in my top ten FaUSt concerts ever and I love this album, I do. ”