
Susana Baron Supervielle "Vida" [LP]

価格: 4,257円(税込)


Label: Wah Wah Records

Wah Wah Recordsの偉業!!没後20年で漸く出版された初の音盤!!1910年ブエノスアイレス生まれ、人生の殆どをブラジルで過ごし電子音楽の創作活動はサンパウロ、ブエノスアイレス、パリの三拠点で行っていた女性コンポーザーSusana Baron Supervielle。ミュージック・コンクレートの創始者ピエール・シェフェールの信奉者であった事、また特殊な創作環境の関係からか、作風が兎に角硬派且つ異様にドス黒いものばかりで、現代にこの秀逸な音源を復刻したWah Wah Recordsの審美眼には感服。勿論、全曲初出となります。お見逃しなく。




Limited Edition Vinyl LP in fold -out sleeve + Insert

Susana Baron Supervielle was born in Buenos Aires in 1910, but she lived in Brazil most of her life. Creation with electroacoustic means represented one more step in her search for renewal and a new articulation of her triple cultural horizon articulated between São Paulo, Buenos Aires and Paris. The results open a new dimension in the interstices of the sound montage. Susana had been a follower of Pierre Schaffer and his peers in the Groupe de Recherche de Musique Concrète from Paris since they began in the early 1950s.

Baron Superveille’s catalogue of works, as selected by the artist herself, shows nine compositions for magnetic tape. With one exception (1977’s Continuo variante), the pieces are in the personal archives of the composer filed in the Archivo del Instituto Nacional de Musicología “Carlos Vega”, in Buenos Aires, which depends on the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Argentina. This edition on Wah Wah Records is a coproduction with the Instituto Nacional de Musicología “Carlos Vega” and recovers all the available electroacoustic works composed between 1974 and 1980. While most of the collected works premiered in both Buenos Aires and São Paulo on dates close to those of their composition, there are not any previous known releases of these recordings, so this LP is not only an exception, but also a novelty.