
Costin Miereanu "Poly-Art "Blow-Up" Series +" [4CD-R]

価格: 5,357円(税込)


Label: Creel Pone

Cramps Recordsからの1stをはじめ多くの名作で知られる、ルーマニアのエクスペリメンタル・コンポーザーにしてパフォーマーのCostin Miereanu。本作は氏が自身のPoly-Art Recordsに残した4つのソロ名作[Carrousel]、[Derives]、[Pianos-Miroirs]、[Jardins Oublies]を纏め、更に2つの激レアカセット[Fata Morgana]、[Le Royaume De La Reine Pellapouf]までを加えてしまった、まさに最強の編集版。シリアス且つ強靭なコンクレートのみならずミニマル、アンビエントまでを落とし込んだ、氏の特徴である多彩な表現が全て堪能出来る充実のセット。6パネルスリーブの他、カセット用の4パネルスリーヴが付属する豪華仕様。



This was the 30th title in the ca. 2003 "Proto Creel Pone" series, collecting all four of the "4300" series LPs self-issued by Costin Miereanu in 1984 on his "Poly-Art" label ("Pianos-Miroirs;" PAR 4301, "Carrousel;" PAR 4302, "Jardins Oublies;" PAR 4303, & "Derives;" PAR 3404) along with the two "2700" series Cassettes ("Le Royaume De La Reine Pellapouf;" PAR 2701 & "Fata Morgana;" PAI 2702) from a year or two prior, all presented here as a handy quadruple-disc set (ala the more recent [CP 290-291 CD]).

These were hugely influential personally (compare my "ASR" or "Late Monoliths" albums w/ swatches of "Carrousel" or "Derives", respectively) and were in fact discovered long before Miereanu's epic Cramps LP (see [CP 078 CD]) at a NNJ garage when my sensibilities were very much still forming; the initial gut rejection to anything "New Age" eventually gave way to a profound appreciation of the music herein, consisting of side-length extrapolations on a single theme of sustained, ebb-and-flow Electronic Sound.

The detail and context for each of the LPs is presented legibly across the six (glossy) panels of the booklet, along with a separate 4-panel insert disambiguating the two tape releases; this caps off the first 30 titles in the "P.C.P." program in a gorgeous way.