
Eugene Carchesio + Adam Betts "Circle Drum Music" [Colour LP]

価格: 3,597円(税込)


Label: Room40

限定カラーヴァイナル入荷!!ミニマル・ミュージック好きから物音ファンまで是非!!ミニマリズムの徹底追求より生み出した"サークル・ミュージック・シリーズ"で知られる、オーストラリアのサウンド/ビジュアルアーティストEugene Carchesio。英国のドラマーAdam Bettsと共作したストレンジなビートアルバム[Circle Drum Music]がリリース!!反復とリズムの技術を研磨した2者だからこそ可能な表現が全21のショートトラックで詰め込まれており、注意深く耳を傾ける事で凄まじいエネルギーを感じ取る事が出来ます。

Purple swirl vinyl, Matte Laminate, Monochrome Printed Heavy Jacket

A note from Lawrence English

Occasionally ideas present themselves in ways that no one can expect. This recording from Australia’s Eugene Carchesio and the UK’s Adam Betts is one such unexpected presentation.

A couple of years ago, Eugene passed me a collection of recordings that he explained were in the orbit of his now legendary Circle Music series. The recordings, in Eugene’s particular manner, maintained an intensely rhythmic quality rooted in a deep and unwavering sense of minimalism. Eugene has a way of making a tiny cosmos from just the barest of materials. He wondered though, about mixing it up and adding something unexpected to the pieces, and asked about some drums being added.

At almost exactly the same moment, I had been reminded of the amazing work of Adam Betts, who I have been fortunate to be in the orbit of for more than a decade now. We’d first met at Bad Bonne, sharing a bill, and then crossed paths most recently in Tbilisi where he was performing with Squarepusher.

The reason Adam was on my radar though was entirely unrelated to music and it was down to the fact that he had just participated in a welsh toss competition and done quite brilliantly. Somehow, watching Adam lug those weights made me think he’d be the perfect candidate to work with Eugene on this project. To my delight, he agreed.

What results here is a melding of two incredible musical spirits, each of whom have an unerring sense of restrained energy and rhythmic ferocity. It is a parallel reading of how minimal motion can create giant affective waves of energy. It’s also a record of careful listening and generous exploration.

It’s not everyday music can emerge from such curious orbits of thought, but when it does it is a cause for celebration. With that in heart I am so pleased to share this incredible edition with you.