
Erik Blennow Calalv, Lisa Ullen, Finn Loxbo, Ryan Packard "Bi, In Yo & Iwato" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)


Label: INSUB.records

thanatosis produktionファンは是非!!主にギターの即興演奏と実験を軸に活動、ギタリストでありながらフォークシンガーとしても活動するスウェーデン孤高の音楽家Finn Loxbo。スイスの即興レーベルであるINSUB.recordsから2023年に出版された、Erik Blennow Calalv、Lisa Ullen、Ryan Packardとのカルテット編成での録音[Bi, In Yo & Iwato]。タイトルからもお分かりの通り日本の伝統的な音階をベースにした3曲からなり、侘び寂びな趣の素晴らしい静謐即興を披露しています。

Erik Blennow Calälv, bass clarinet, compositions
Lisa Ullén : piano
Finn Loxbo : guitar:
Ryan Packard : percussion and electronics

Three pieces based on traditional Japanese scales.
Lisa Ullén is a pivotal person on the Swedish improvisational and experimental music scene. Active as a composer and performer since the 1990’s she has produced more than fifteen albums over the last decade with many constellations. In 2018, she was awarded the Jazz composer of the Year prize by the Swedish Radio.
Ryan Packard is a percussionist, composer and sound artist based in Stockholm/Chicago. His versatile musical practice can be heard in many contexts and constellations.
Finn Loxbo has been an important voice on the Swedish experimental music scene for many years. Active as a composer and musician in diverse contexts, his musical production stretches from acoustic minimalistic solo improvisations to much larger electrified expressions.
Erik Blennow Calälv is a bass clarinetist, composer and improvisor and has been active on the Stockholm experimental music scene for many years.