
Alwin Nikolais "Choreosonic Music of the New Dance Theater of Alwin Nikolais +++" [3CD-R]

価格: 4,037円(税込)


Label: Creel Pone

遂にCreel Poneラインナップ入り!!オリジナルは1959年に米Hanoverより出版。Pierre Henry、Nicolas Schofferらと共に総合芸術"Kyldex I"を立ち上げた振付師兼作曲家Alwin Nikolaisの超名作1st。Harry Partchに強い影響を受けていた人物で、本作はまさにその形が色濃く出た抑揚の強いダンススコア。容赦なく降り注ぐ無骨なリズム投下、プリペアドピアノ、テープコラージュ、音楽とダンスをシームレスに結びつけ観客/リスナーに最高の没入感を与えた超傑作。その他激レアな音源を大量追加した3CD-R仕様。

This was, initially, the 36th in the "Proto Creel Pone" series, offering but a glimpse of the storied American Choreographer & Composer Alwin Nikolais' breadth of operation via his lone era-appropriate issue (The 1959 Hanover LP issue of "Choreosonic Music of the New Dance Theater of Alwin Nikolais") but now, here, augmented significantly by the inclusion of an additional 2.5 discsworth of his prime-era compositions made in the interim on, largely, the first Moog Modular System off of the (commercial; Nikolais was, serendipitously, Moog's first 900-series customer after using the funds from a Guggenheim Fellowship to purchase a custom system directly from Bob in person at the AES Convention in New York City in 1964) line spanning the mid-60s to mid-80s.

Notorious for selectively updating & revising the musical scores for his dance pieces (despite the carefully-laid chronology, ordered by choreography/composition herein, you'll notice a variance from prepared-piano & tape collages, early analogue synthesis, then digital-FM timbres applied somewhat anachronistically) we can hear a breadth of quite transgressive approaches to experimental, movement-augmented sound correlating to Nikolais' pieces "Tensile Involement" (1953), "Noumenon" (1953), "Totem" (1960), "Imago" (1963), "Sanctum" (1964), "Tent" (1968), "Gallery" (1978), "Mechanical Organ" (1980), "Pond" (1982), "Kaleidoscope" (1985), & "Crucible" (1985), the scores of which have never been issued or compiled!

This Creel Pone edition lays out the detail for the original Hanover issue on the outside, then the additional dance-piece-scores on the inside, of a detail-strewn gatefold 6-panel glossy booklet, with the three (carefully labeled, like clockwork) discs inside. This has been a mammoth project, getting everything annotated & restored from the archival sources, but easily one of the most consistently rewarding titles in the entire C.P. canon!