
Finn Loxbo / Karin Johansson "Vent" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)


Label: Omlott

当店ではプライベート出版作を全て紹介している、主にギターの鉱物的即興と実験を軸に活動、ギタリストでありながらフォークシンガーとしても活動するスウェーデン孤高の音楽家Finn Loxbo。同国のコンテンポラリー及びフリージャズ・ピアニストであるKarin Johanssonと録音したクールな即興もの!!プリペアド・ピアノとギターを軸とした非常に興味深い音色だらけのアルバムで、ガコッ、ガコッっとパーカッシヴな流れを紡いだクールな構成から、超シリアスな静謐ガキゴキ即興、余韻をしっかりと主張させたフィールドレコーディングまで、幅の広いスタイルを提示した見事な編成です。

New Duo LP from Finn Loxbo (Guitar, Electronics, voice) and Karin Johansson (Piano, Accordion)

Artwork by EKTA.

in a rain forest of moments. the eye hears what the ear sees. through each moment of karin johansson’s and finn loxbo’s music runs the firm conviction that all points and layers of sound – in true democratic spirit, carry the same weight. or lightness. as precise as scattered bird calls may be crucial to the totality and the outcome of the drama as a whole, as cautiously do they take care of the phrased line by being extremely exact with the gaps and the charged rest, where that very thing appears in just the right moment. an archetypical weave of strings being pulled and plucked further into our audible and visible listening. as a natural relief, the metal tongues from the accordion emerge and end up in new weightless states together with electronics and space. to suddenly whirl on in a dance for prepared piano and guitar that later just disappears out in the impossible where everything before was possible for thirty-one minutes and one second.