
David Rothenberg "Nightingale Cities" [2CD]

価格: 2,717円(税込)


Label: Gruenrekorder

セミや鳥、カエルといった生物と一緒に演奏を行う面白コンポーザー/クラリネット奏者David Rothenbergの傑作2CD!!過去にポーリン・オリヴェロスやティモシーヒルなども参加した事のある大掛かりなプロジェクトであり、今回はアンサンブルを率い2014から2019年までの5年間ベルリンとヘルシンキで行った真骨頂的140分の記録を音盤化。試聴の通り、まず楽曲としての仕上がりが非常に素晴らしく、優雅に揺蕩う電子音、ボイスパフォーマー、ストリングスと野鳥の声の見事なセッションが確認出来ます。しっとりとした空気感も素晴らしい。




Five years in the making, David Rothenberg’s Nightingales in Berlin project includes a book, a film, many live concerts, and this double CD, including a 20 page color booklet of stills from the film and music not available in any form online. Here’s what Rothenberg says about the project: “I used to make interspecies music largely on my own, seeing myself as some kind of individual explorer seeking out musical ideas with creatures we can’t even talk to. But in recent years I’ve decided that the point of musical contact with another species is to convince other people to join me. Over five years, from 2014 through 2019, I invited the best and most adventurous musicians I know to connect in musical collaboration—humans with nightingales, in Berlin and Helsinki.

The nightingales have helped me find the perfect sound. By assembling just the right group of kindred spirits, together we dream of a way that humans and nature might live closer together. Our species is warming the planet beyond recognition, and this could mean the end of our reign over this place. Yet there are still these moments during which humans can touch nature through sound happening all around us, as we make music along with the nightingales of Helsinki and Berlin. The paths to animal music sit right before us.

I love to listen to different musicians respond to the song of the nightingale for the very first time. I have played with these birds for several years now, and sometimes I wonder why I keep trying to make music with musicians with whom I cannot speak, who live as birds—such different lives than people who may join the band. Some human critics think it’s all delusion, that I intrude upon the birds’ ancient world of perfect sound and struggle, but whenever I bring a new musician along to play with nightingales, I realize why I began this process in the first place. We all feel such joy and hope when music can carry meaning from one species to another. The planet becomes a more harmonious place.”