
V.A "Warsaw's Jewish Mermaid - Syrena Recordings From The Orvomaa Archive 1909-1933" [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)


Label: Renair Records

ユダヤ人ミュージシャンが残した歴史的SP盤を復刻する英レーベルRenair Recordsの優秀CDシリーズ!!戦争で破壊されるまでベルリンと共に東ヨーロッパ&西ヨーロッパの文化的交差点だったワルシャワに残された音源にフォーカスしたコンピレーション。音楽、文学、芸術、演劇の並外れた繁栄は文化の多様性を生み、本作には1909年~1933年までに作られた貴重なポーランド音楽を網羅。争いや祈りなど豊かな文化の残響を聞く事が出来る名作。




In conjunction with the Music Archive Finland, Renair Records announce another disc in their series exploring the history of Jewish recorded music. Until its destruction during the War, Warsaw, together with Berlin, was at the cultural and intellectual intersection of East and Western Europe. Known as the Paris of the East, its musical, literary, artistic, and theatrical flourishing was in no small part due to its extraordinary ethnic and cultural diversity. Most traces of this period vanished in the devastation of the 1940s but thanks to the survival of some precious recordings made in this period you can hear echoes of that rich culture. The Syrena (Mermaid) label covered all aspects of musical activity in Poland between 1909 and the end of the 1930s. All human life is on this CD. You will hear people arguing, soldiering, going bankrupt, and praying. They also dance to Klezmer bands, meet the devil, fail to have sex, complain about modern girls, and of course, eat. The package is completed by a richly illustrated and informative 28-page booklet. Features Kenig, Norski, Feld, Sirota, Belf, Brajtman, Kupfer, Feinstein, Oppenheim, Fenigstein, Sibiriyakov, Anon, Kusewicki, Roitman, Kaniewska And Brajtman, Feinstein and Lindenfeld, Fenigstein, Lerman, and Neroslawska.