
Jerome Noetinger "Outside Supercolor" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)


Label: Room40

特殊システムを使ったクール過ぎる録音!!現在はCorticalartに名称を変更したフランス拠点の老舗実験音楽ディストリビューターMetamkineを運営した人物であり、80年代半ばからXavier Garciaにエレクトロアコースティックを学び音楽家としても活動するJerome Noetinger。「ビデオ出力をサウンド入力に接続するとどうなるのか?」という疑問に始まり、そこからビデオフィードバックなるシステムを開発、本作にはそのシステムを使った興味深い録音を収録。普段はオープンリールを用いたフィジカル演奏が多い人物ですが、今作ではひたすらモノクロのパルス波コントロールに徹底。非常にカッコイイ仕上がり。お馴染みエンボス加工スリーブ、インサートカードが付属。

Matte laminated and monochrome printed sleeve with emboss, insert card.

A note from Jérôme Noetinger

Lionel Palun and I met in 2003 in a context of social struggle. Aware of an inevitable downfall, we decided to discuss our respective practices. Sound for me and image for him.

Then there were the basic questions: "What does it do if you connect a video output to a sound input?"; "What does a sound output do to a video input?" Then the tinkering that goes with it, like opening a SCART socket and plugging directly into it. And to finish, we discovered that as always, everything has already been done!
But in the end it's like rock music, it's always the same, and what counts is how to appropriate it, how to live it.

These discussions and first experiences led Lionel to develop his own video feedback software. He has a scientific background and a taste for computers which helps!

In this record, I wanted to draw inspiration from this work with Supercolor Palunar, the name of our duo, to better examine CRT parasites and virtual instruments whose purpose I still don't quite understand.

I dedicate this record to Lionel Palun who, afterwards, made two videos echoing the two pieces.