
Reinier Van Houdt "Mouths Without A Head" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)


Label: Discreet Editions

やはりこの人物の音楽性は素晴らしい!!当店にて多くの音源を紹介、ケージやリック・フェラーリとの共演、ロバート・アシュリー、アルヴィン・カランら数多くの巨匠の作品を演奏してきた名ピアニストとして知られ、2012年にはCurrent 93にも参加する事となったオランダの白髪ベテラン音楽家Reinier Van Houdt。16世紀の声楽[Prophetiae Sibyllarum]の構造に触発され作曲したという実験コンテンポラリー・ソロ作[Mouths Without A Head]。アコースティックだけでは無くエレクトロニクスを積極的に導入、氏の持つオブスキュアな要素が様々と確認出来る濃密な15曲。200部限定。

Comes in a 6-panel cardboard eco-pack, with liner notes from the composer. Edition of 200 copies.

Music composed in resonance with Orlando di Lasso’s ‘Prophetiae Sibyllarum’ (ca 1555-60).

The Sibylline Prophecies are a 16th century collection of vocal motets that could be considered prophetic, because they open up the music of its time to chromaticism beyond diatonality, posing new challenges to tuning. On the other hand, the sung text is an unambiguous appropriation of ancient Greek Sibylline oracles, claiming these predicted the coming of Christ —a fictional revision of history that misses the revolutionary moment of prophecy, where an existing situation is broken open, made unstable, is destroyed even, and for a moment a desert looms in which every world, past or future, vanishes like a mirage. But, at the same time, here anything seems possible; it’s a challenge to start walking paths, instead of fixating on settlement and taking root.

As a kind of recuperation of this revolutionary moment I decided to read Lasso’s music the way an oracle might, adopting methods for divining earth, sky, fire, water, and using them for transforming the music in all different directions.

« When speech becomes prophetic it is not the future that is given, it is the present that is taken away, and with it any possibility of a firm, stable, lasting presence... It is once again like the desert, and speech is desert-like, this voice that needs the desert, to cry out and to reawaken the terror, understanding and memory of the desert... » (Maurice Blanchot)