
James M. Creed "Six Studies" [CD-R]

価格: 1,947円(税込)


Label: Sawyer Editions

主に現代音楽、実験音楽、即興音楽の未知のアーティストを手掛けるテキサスSawyer Editionsの出版物。作曲家James M. Creedが2021年から2022年に掛けて書いた習作コレクション・アルバム[Six Studies]。非常にシンプルな絞り込んだ楽曲が収録されており、実際には作曲というよりは楽器が勝手にデモンストレーション演奏をしているサマを描いたとの事。シリアスなピアノクラスターのミニマル曲、ギターのフィードバックドローン等、突き放したハードコアさも非常に良い。マルタックスリーヴを使ったハンドメイドパッケージ。

The pieces in this collection are studies, of a sort, and all written in
2021 or 2022. Along with most other things I’ve produced in the
same period, there’s an unintended, relentless sentimentality to
them – inevitable, I suppose, if working with diatonic clusters.
They’re all very simple, and, with the exception of Piano and
Accompaniment, aren’t really “compositions” so much as
demonstrations of what instruments are busy doing while we might
be busy thinking about other things. That’s not to ignore a
performer, and really it’s the opposite: these pieces are
unconstructed, they are timbre, they begin as studies of (for
instance) the piano and end as studies of particular fingers at a
particular piano, which is much more interesting. Piano and
Accompaniment seems an outlier, perhaps, as a piece with more
moving parts, but it isn’t – it’s the same concerns for ensemble, with
some very faint shaping from me.
Thanks to: Kory, Clare, Anne, Freda, Evie, Scott, Amber, Katie,
Meghan, Mia, Fernando, Joy and Ben, and thanks for listening.

*Six Études, Op. 52: no. 2, pour l’indepéndence des doigts (1877)