
Finn Loxbo "Eter" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)


Label: Gikt Records

thanatosis produktionファンは是非!!主にギターの即興演奏と実験を軸に活動、ギタリストでありながらフォークシンガーとしても活動するスウェーデン孤高の音楽家Finn Loxbo。プライベートレーベルGikt Recordsよりリリースした音源を一挙入荷!!ポルトガルのManuel Motaとはまた異なるガキゴキとした鉱物的音色を特徴とするギターソロ音源で、その硬派でストレート過ぎる表現には脱帽。本人より直接入荷。

Eter is comprised of improvisations with various starting points, all of which have emerged from a long-term investigation of the sounds that dwell in the acoustic steel string guitar, and of the music that dwell within the fingers, and within the heart. This collection of music turns into a journey between, on the one hand, textural improvisations in which the use of preparations and objects renders it difficult to identify the guitar as the source of the sound, and on the other, more melodic adventures in which the instrument is played in a more a traditional way.

"An acoustic guitar contains unexpected capacities for sonic expression. And Finn Loxbo is a master of discovering them, and of making great art out of these possibilities. While in his hands [...] the metal and wood of the acoustic guitar is singing completely new songs."
– Johan Jacobsson Franzén, Orkesterjournalen

Finn Loxbo is a guitarist with focus on improvised music and experimental rock. Besides playing solo concerts, and in different acoustic constellations with, amongst others, Anders Vestergaard, Lisa Ullén and Karin Johansson, he also plays in bands with larger electrified expressions such as Strändernas Svall and Doglife.