
Eric La Casa "Barri​e​res Mobiles" [CD + 40 page booklet]

価格: 2,387円(税込)


Label: Swarming - 007

100部限定。1991年から活動を続けているサウンドアート系の大ベテラン/重鎮Eric La Casaが、盟友Jean-Luc Guionnet、Philip Samartzisと共に立ち上げたレーベルSwarmingの2023年タイトル。2015年のパリ同時多発テロ事件以降、学校、教会、モスク、シナゴーグ、博物館、市庁舎、警察署に設置されたセキュリティの門。その機能の意味をコンセプトに掲げ、それらにコンタクトマイクを設置しそのサウンド採取し記録した音源。門が風に揺られる、周辺に人が通りかかる等、素材となっているスチール管内部では爆発的残響の環境音が終始木霊する不思議なサウンドスケープ。面白い質感です。パッケージには茶色の大判封筒を使用。

Booklet (40 pages of original text and photos)
with audio CD [ 4 parts | 57:13 ]
Very limited edition of 100 copies !

Recordings and Mixings : 2018-2023

Following the 2015 attacks, all entrances to public buildings – schools, churches, mosques, synagogues, museums, town halls, police stations, etc. – were reinforced by these metal barriers, without any prior consultation with local residents nor with their being given any indication of how long they would remain in place. The public space has been covered with these barriers, which, over the last decade, summer and winter, day and night, have become the symbols of low-noise security in everyday life.

While the issue of security was part of my initial enquiry – what and who are we protecting ourselves from ? are we protected by these barriers? – I was particularly interested in hearing how these objects themselves perceive the city, particularly the Parc de La Villette. As a result I opted for a pair of contact mics, specifically to record how the environment was transmitted inside their steel structure. If their
resonance was my main subject of attention, I also sought to hear how the wind made them sound, by setting them in motion.

Without being too exhaustive, I present an édition raisonnée of a series of sound impressions, documentary and – perhaps – musical, to share this other way of listening to the city and my daily life.