
Stefano Liberati "Fiction Sound, Musiche Di Fantasie Scientifiche" [CD-R]

価格: 1,837円(税込)


Label: Creel Pone

多くのライブラリー音源の出版で知られるイタリアCAMのシリーズものとして1979年に出版、イタリアン・コンポーザーにしてピアニストのStefano Liberatiが残した激レア盤[Fiction Sound]がCD-R化。ライブラリーのコレクターには知られた作曲家で、CAMからは9作もの関連タイトルをリリース、本作はその中でも珍しい完全ソロ名義で発表したもの。電子音楽というよりはアブストラクトな表現が多く、ダークアンビエント〜ミニマル〜エクスペリメンタルをショートトラック編成にて見事に紡いでいます。

January 2023; the C.P. P.T.B. seem to have skipped a CP-2X9 "CAM Special" there (bad dog Mr. P. C. C.P.) due to being blindsided by the Silly & Bone (see: [CP 269 CD]; rightly so TBH) so we're all very glad to see the numerical scheme renewing/redeeming itself here via this gorgeous replication of one of the harder-to-source Avant-Electronic titles on the storied imprint, the only (known) outing in this particular vein by the prolific Italian Composer Stefano Liberati.

While his name should be familiar to hunter-collectors of Library lore, this particular set of quite "Out" and Experimental-leaning work is something of an outlier., esp. given that the 4 other titles featuring his work on CAM (alone: "Youth Love Themes" [CML-053], "Music Of A Russian Character" [CML-054], "Themes With 'Romantic' Variations" [CML-099, sensing a theme here], & even the adjacent "Young Feeling" [CML-172]) are somewhat... breezier.

Certainly not so here, as the ludicriously on-brand quad-lingual titles will be the first tip-off; this is all quite exploratory modular/synth work, intended for placement amongst the Space/Vampire (i.e. Mario Bava) end Italian film, and the slightly longer track-lengths tend to allow proper space for Liberati's extra-domestic ideas to fully foment. It's every bit as eye-opening as the other CAM all-timer ("Fugue Of Light" by Vittorio Marino; see: [CP 127 CD]) and should be treated with due reverence.