
Princess Diana of Wales [LP]

価格: 3,487円(税込)


Label: A Colourful Storm

2021年瞬殺廃盤カセットがLP化!!お見逃し無く!!本名名義にてBoomkat Editionsからカセット音源を発表、セルフリリースも重ね徐々に注目度を上げているメルボルンの若き女性音楽家Laila Sakiniが変名Princess Diana Of Walesとして発表したデビュー作。もともと同レーベルが限定200本で発表していたカセット音源であり、今回新たにLPフォーマットでリイシュー。聞いての通り仄暗くも神秘的なクワイア及びチャントを中心に据えた構造であり、並行して大胆なダブ的音処理やら亡霊の様な霞んだ音響を漂わせる、何から何までがミステリアスで非常に美しい。GrouperやFelicia Atkinson好きに激推し。

How do you approach matters of love and an uncertain future? How are your emotions processed during such an event?

A Colourful Storm presents an inquisitive, self-reflective album by Princess Diana of Wales, the label’s newest and most curiously cloaked project. Someone, no one, a notion, a feeling... while the moniker’s origin is ambiguous, its aspirations are not. Feeling closer, questioning intimacy. Longing and forgetting. Venting, validating. Emerging from the dark. What is real and how does it feel?

Diana offers clues but no simple answers. Vocal-led pieces ‘Still Beach’ and ‘Fragments of Blue’ are brittle and intoxicating, contemplating recklessness and unfulfillment of a past life: "Watching the future wash away / Giving it up to have this day". She studies closeness and, incredulous of the feelings that emerge, wonders if detachment is impermanent: "Can this always be how it feels? / Can this always be?". She catalogues these emotions as a series of memories, colours and images. ‘Evaporate’, sedated and hushed, is a secret confession and ode to resolution, albeit, fatally, only a temporary one: "Take some form / Later on when I can do this / When we can do this / Together".

Behind the album’s make-up is a stage of dubwise disorientations evoking in-between states of the everyday. ‘Swing’ and ‘Closer’ are woozy and dreamlike, their voices summoning ghosts of fortunes past while ‘Exhaust’ finds an aperture in our protagonist’s daydream-dérive. A perilous foreshadowing of the incantatory ‘Choir Chant’, whose spell pacifies her inquisition, submerging both self and feeling into the deep blue sea.