
V.A "Lamkin: Versions & Variants Across the Northern Hemisphere" [Cassette]

価格: 1,947円(税込)


Label: Death Is Not The End

主に人間の声に焦点を当てた作品制作を行い、また民俗学者、研究者として様々な希少録音のアーカイヴ化を行うサウンドアーティストDerek Piotr。本作は様々な複雑な状況を歌う英語のバラード"Lamkin"にフォーカスしたものであり、ウェストバージニア大学から大英図書館を徹底調査し全17曲からなるコレクション音源を制作。収録された音源の殆どが、当時録音に立ち会った人物以外聞いた事が無いという希少なものばかりで、過去90年間に渡り保管された歴史が今ここに音源化。とてつもない審美眼で世界中から埋もれた名演を発掘しまくる最強レーベル[Death Is Not The End]からのリリース。

Folklorist Derek Piotr teams with Death is Not the End for a third outing, this time plumbing the depths of every archive from West Virginia University to the British Library in search of versions of the ballad Lamkin. Following the template set by Charlie Seeger with his seminal Barbara Allen compilation, Piotr's collection outs versions of the bloody ballad from the last ninety years; most of these renditions haven't been heard by anyone but their original recordists for decades.

Curated and edited by Derek Piotr.
"Serenity" portrait of Lily Delorme courtesy of the Helen Hartness Flanders Ballad Collection, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT.

Special thanks to: Duke University and Ed Proffitt, West Virginia University and John Cuthbert, Indiana University and the Archives of Traditional Music, Middlebury College and the Helen Hartness Flanders Ballad Collection, Memorial University of Newfoundland Folk and Language Archives and Pauline Cox, Nova Scotia Archives and the Helen Creighton Collection, University College of Dublin, The Library of Congress and Allina Migoni, Bobby McMillon, Sarah Bryan, Laura McCarthy, Jonathan Roper, Peggy Seeger, Lorna Morris Cyr, Kurt, Mark, and Steve Zembsch, Genevieve Lehr, Luke Owen, and the entire Bare clan.