
Tony Oxley "February Papers" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)


Label: Discus Music

現在は激レア化している1977年LPがCD復刻!!1970年、Derek Bailey、Evan Parkerと共に世界をリードしたフリーインプロヴィゼーション・レーベル"Incus"を設立。まさに百戦錬磨といった凄まじい経歴を持つ英国のフリー・ジャズ・ドラマーTony Oxley。77年にロンドンのスタジオで録音、同年にIncusよりLPフォーマットで出版された傑作[February Papers]が本人監修のリマスタリング仕様で初CD化!!Barry Guy 、Philipp Wachsmann、David Bourne、Ian Brightonという豪華プレイヤーを迎えた、カルテット及びトリオ編成のド派手集団演奏が繰り広げられる超高内容であり、それに加えアンプリファイを多用したTony Oxleyのクール過ぎるソロテイクも聴けるという充実の一枚。未体験の方は是非。

Beautifully packaged and factory produced to Discus Music’s usual high standard. Artwork by Tony Oxley.

Tony Oxley - percussion, electronics, violin
Barry Guy - double bass, bass guitar
Philipp Wachsmann - violin
David Bourne - violin
Ian Brighton - electric guitar

"For Avant-Garde / Improvised Music enthusiasts, this is a Holy Grail!" - Adam Baruch BRITISH JAZZ

A reissue of the Incus Records LP, originally released in 1977. Crisply recorded in Vangelis’ London studio, and mastered for re-release under Oxley’s personal supervision.

This album is a classic example of UK free improvisation by one of the originators of that style, with the added dimension that the playing is framed within Oxley’s forward looking compositional frameworks.

The collective personnel play in quartet and trio configurations, detailed and collective sounds from strings, percussion and electronics. But perhaps the two centrepieces of the album are Oxley’s solo tracks, where his extended use of drum kit and amplified objects is clearly underpinned by pure jazz skill.