
Alain Saverot "Tirage De Tete, Ballade Rustique, Original Magma" [2CD-R]

価格: 2,717円(税込)


Label: Creel Pone

個人的激推しタイトルがCreel Poneラインナップ入り!!凄まじい内容!!1947年チュニジアのスース出身、60年代に中央アフリカを歩いて旅をし、そこで出会った民族音楽や楽器に魅了されその衝動を絵画に落とし込み画家とし活動したAlain Saverot。同時に音楽家としても精力的な活動をしており、本作は1982年に発表された1st[Ballade Rustique]、2nd[Tirage De Tete)、1983年3rd[Original Magma]、濃密過ぎる初期3作を纏めてしまった最強の編集作。ネタ選びから配置まで、まさにマルチトラックの天才と言っていい秀逸過ぎるミックスが確認出来、オノマトペ、民族音楽、アシッドフォーク、ジャズ、コンテンポラリー、etc...が不快なノイジーブレンドとなって炸裂する全編。

June 2022; long in the C.P. "chambre de gestation", this collection of the impeccable 1982-83 trio of releases by French Composer Alain Saverot (not to be confused with the GRM-adjacent & equally superb... French Composer Alain Savouret) as issued "Privately" across a pair of "Kiosque D'Orphee" LPs (you should be familiar with the label/pressing-plant - the French "EMI Custom" if you will - from the Parmegiani "Le Socrate" single they had a hand in) & a label-less third exactly 40 years back finally reaches fruition.

Presented here (in no particular order, albeit saving the best for last) we start with "Tirage De Tête" ("Headshot," #KO/82.0904), followed by "Ballade Rustique" (#KO/82.0612), then finally, "Original Magma" (#83 AS 3 MC 1). The latter is, personally, the pick of the litter; aside from the rampant "Plundering" of early 'Floyd (there is just. no. way. in. hell. that this could be reissued in any other context) the energy levels and edits-per-second ratios are pinned throughout, causing a fairly obnoxious blend of Gallic Free-Folk excesses, rampant tape-munge and raw bruitage.

If the Philippe Doray title ([CP 215 CD]) moored your tugboat, or if you're a fan of the fantastic & sorely missed (R.I.P.) ... French Composer Ghedalia Tazartès, consider Saverot the seldom-discussed missing link between the sensibilites of the two.