
V.A "Voice Of The Wolf" [CD-R]

価格: 1,837円(税込)


Label: Creel Pone

グラフィックデザイナーのCarsten Regildが監修した、スウェーデン及びフィンランドの前衛&サイケデリックシーンを纏めた1975年出版の貴重なV.A作[Voice Of The Wolf]がCreel Poneラインナップに登場!!スウェーデン電子音楽の重要地Fylkingen/EMSを巻き込んだ重要作であり、重鎮Ake Hodellを始め、Sten Hanson、Leo Nilson、J.O. Mallander、Bengt Nordstrom、Pugh Rogefeldt、Sten Bergman等々、様々な分野の濃いメンツが集結。この人選からも分かる通り電子音楽、サウンドポエトリー、ノイズ、プログレ、フリージャズが垣根を超え一緒くたに流れゆく最高過ぎるアルバム構成。激激オススメ。

Here's a treat; a replica-edition of this 1975 "Compilation" of music by a towering selection of the Scandinavian left-of-center elite, as compiled by Graphic Designer Carsten Regild (if you own any of the LPs released by the storied Stockholm space/collective Fylkingen - where the A-Side here was assembled by Sten Hanson - then you certainly know Regild's work).

Issued in 1975 on Gump (where it sat alongside canonic offerings by Kvartetten Som Sprängde, Joakim Skogsberg, & Sten Bergman) this appears (the A-Side, at least), on the surface, may seem like a by-the-books collection of pieces by such Electro-Acoustic, Free Improv, Psychedelia & Sound-Poetry luminaries as Sten Hanson, Åke Hodell, J.O. Mallander, Leo Nilson, & Bengt "Frippe" Nordström turns out to be the "Source Material" for the B-Side's gnarly deconstructiong by one Hans Anton Knall (who we're going to assume is Regild himself wearing a "Pseudo-Academic Moniker" hat ala Heinz-Hoffman Richter) as composed & carried out at the Elektronmusikstudion (EMS) Stockholm that year.

This is exactly the sort of hamfisted Tape Collage that the P.C. P.T.B. are always going on about; that it comes from a (priveleged) position with the Swedish/Finnish Avant-Garde & Psychedelic scenes just makes it all that more appealing...