
Decoy With Joe McPhee "AC / DC" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)


Label: Otoroku

フリー・ジャズ好きからレアグルーヴ・ファンまでをも飲み込む超名演!!1stアルバム[Nation Time]を始め多くの名盤を残してきた、現在80歳を超えた伝説的ジャズ・マルチインストゥルメンタリストJoe McPhee。Alexander Hawkins、John Edwards、Steve NobleからなるインプロヴィゼーショントリオDecoyとCafe OTOで再会、本作はその夜に行われたセッションを記録したもの。不思議なサウンドが漂う浮遊系の絡みに始まり、そこから一気にハモンドオルガンのアクセントが絶妙過ぎるグルーヴィーな運びへと突入。間違いなくリスナーを最高の恍惚へと導く2テイクを収録。マスト!!

Two totally infectious sets from Decoy -- the trio of John Edwards, Steve Noble, and Alexander Hawkins -- reunited with pocket trumpet and saxophone player Joe McPhee on the closing night of his four day residency at Cafe OTO. In the eight years between the recordings which make up AC/DC and their last release Spontaneous Combustion, Decoy and each of its members have been practicing individually at the very top of their form. Coming together again in such celebratory circumstances and in the good company of a fantastic crowd set the scene for a very special night. As they begin, Alexander Hawkins casts a needling surface between his Hammond organ and John Edwards's loose splatters and slaps of low-end bass. McPhee skitters over them with his pocket trumpet by way of introduction; Steve Noble strikes his rims in anticipation. The first set sees moments of frenetic free jazz peel off into weirdo soul territory and when switched to saxophone halfway through, McPhee's romantic lyricism is utterly beautiful. When a groove sets in, Hawkins's B3 ascension in harmony with an ever-powerful Edwards-Noble rhythm section sees the room thicken and swirl to the point of giddiness. There is one unreal part at 22:22 where we're sure you can hear Edwards's bass vocalizing. Regrouped for a second set, Steve Noble's metallic textures meld with detuned arco bass to create an unholy atmosphere, ripe for Hawkins to play out the eerier end of the Hammond. When McPhee sounds a sax motif the band catches it quickly and it's soon wickedly morphed and stretched by each player, recurring to absurdity in a stoned-out funk free for all. The whole recording bleeds enthusiasm and joyful imagination and is a brilliant document of an unforgettable evening. Decoy are a limitless band who play nowhere near enough.